
There are two main type of sub routines in MIP. 1. Sub routines that are imported/exported 2. Utility sub routines that only resides in the script or module they are created. These are named using an underscore in the beginning of the sub routine name i.e. sub _a_utility_sub


A template for sub routines are found in the code dir.

The sub routine consists of four sections:

  1. A documentation part with a mandatory header:

    ## Function : Describe the sub routine function here
    ## Returns  : Name of variables returned. If none leave blank
    ## Arguments: $arrays_ref => Array ref description {REF}
    ##          : $hash_href  => Hash ref description {REF}
    ##          : $scalar     => Scalar description
  2. Initilization of parameters:

    my ($arg_href) = @_;  #Always start with unpacking the parameters array
     ## Flatten argument(s)
     my $arrays_ref;  # Parameters without a default value
     my $hash_href;
     ## Default(s)  # This is for parameters with a default value
     my $scalar;
  3. Checking the supplied parameters:

    my $tmpl = {
         arrays_ref => {
             default     => [], # Empty array ref
             defined     => 1, # Must be defined when passed
             required    => 1, # Must be supplied when passed
             store       => \$arrays_ref, # Where to store the parameter
             strict_type => 1, # Require correct type
         hash_href => {
             default     => {},
             defined     => 1,
             required    => 1,
             store       => \$hash_href,
             strict_type => 1,
         scalar => {
             allow       => qr/ ^\d+$ /sxm, # Set allowed value
             default     => 1,
             store       => \$scalar,
             strict_type => 1,
    check( $tmpl, $arg_href, 1 ) or croak q{Could not parse arguments!}; # Check parameters according to template
  4. The main part of the sub routine that actually does something.

  5. Finally always end with a return statement
